Monday, August 17, 2009

Blessings Dug Deep

For the past couple of weeks it seems as though I have forgotten to look at my blessings each day and be grateful for them. I am sure that it can be attributed to stress...from worry about family, work and taking care of a lot of people who seem to have lost jobs, homes, and sadly for some everything.

These little worries have kept me from getting great sleep, feeling secure and being basically happy. And the interrupted sleep has made things seem a little worse. I have had to dig deep inside and take inventory of me and who I am and what I can do to make each day its best. I have come to the realization that I can't be all things to all people...nor is that the roll I was given in this life. There is only one person I know who was given that roll. I needed to be reminded of this. I can only worry about the things I know I can control. The rest I have to let go and give it to the brother that promised me He would take care of it. That takes great faith...another re-discovery I have had to make in the past couple weeks of self evaluation.

The basic truth is that my family is everything to me. It is more important than any physical thing I own on this earth. More important than anything I could ever hope to acquire on this earth and it is without a doubt the one treasure that I will take with me to eternity. The bottom line matter how bad things get economically in this world or how bad things get politically in this world, as long as I have my family with me, albeit even if we were forced to live in a cardboard box, I know life would be OK.

1 comment:

Sandi and Curtis said...

Took me being in ICU one weekend to learn that fact!!! I quickly learned "No" or "Sorry, but I can't".